Monitoring your UCS faults with syslog
When you deploy your UCS environment once of the first things you will want to do is integrate it into your monitoring system. One way is through integrating with syslog. Here are some notes and tips.
Severity | Code | ID | Affected object | Cause | Last Transition | Description
major | F0207 | 225741 | sys/chassis-1/blade-4/adaptor-1/host-fc-2/fault-F0207 | link-down | 2010-07-28T12:18:59 | Adapter host interface 1/4/1/2 link state: down
Fault Code:F0207
Adapter [transport] host interface [chassisId]/[slotId]/[id]/[id] link state: [linkState]
This fault typically occurs as a result of one of the following issues:
The fabric interconnect is in End-Host mode, and all uplink ports failed.
The server port to which the adapter is pinned failed.
A transient error that caused the link to fail.
Recommended Action
If you see this fault, take the following actions:
Step 1
If an uplink port is disabled, enable the port.
Step 2
If the server port to which the adapter is pinned is disabled, enable that port.
Step 3
Reacknowledge the server with the adapter that has the failed link.
Step 4
If the above actions did not resolve the issue, execute the show tech-support command and contact Cisco technical support.
Fault Details
Severity: major
Cause: link-down
mibFaultCode: 207
mibFaultName: fltAdaptorHostIfLinkDown
moClass: adaptor:HostIf
Type: network

Jul 26 01:05:01 : 2010 Jul 26 01:08:54 EST: %LOCAL0-3-SYSTEM_MSG: [F0207][major][link-down][sys/chassis-1/blade-4/adaptor-1/host-fc-1] Adapter host interface 1/4/1/1 link state: down - svc_sam_dme[3250]
Jul 26 01:05:14 : 2010 Jul 26 01:09:07 EST: %LOCAL0-3-SYSTEM_MSG: [F0207][cleared][link-down][sys/chassis-1/blade-4/adaptor-1/host-fc-1] Adapter host interface 1/4/1/1 link state: down - svc_sam_dme[3250]
SO what are Console and Monitor? I have yet to find a good definition in any of the Cisco materials.
Console may be the serial console port.