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AWS Bloggers

Posted on Wednesday, June 03, 2015 | 6 Comments

I love reading blogs as I believe that a great way to learn is to listen to people who have spent lots of time investigating something or experiencing it. For good bloggers this is what they do, take their hours of learning and share it with you in a digestible format.

Back in 2008 and onwards I was really into learning about the new world of server virtualization and a great way to do so was through bloggers (see http://vlp.vsphere-land.com for how the space has grown). Since I have been in the AWS world for the last few years I have not seen a lot of individual bloggers out there diving into AWS. Maybe I am just looking in the wrong places.

One day I would love to collate a feed of the AWS specific bloggers that people can follow. However, here are two blogs I do know of that cover interesting stuff that is usually related to AWS. You may want to subscribe to their feeds.

Of course there are the large scale blogs that you are probably already following.

If you know of others, please post in the comments. Even better, if you are using AWS, why not start your own blog and share you experiences.




  1. I found another one. https://cloudonaut.io

  2. Another, http://blog.optimalbi.com/tag/amazon-web-services/

  3. As you say not sure all of those are AWS related, e.g. Delimiter

  4. Another entrant. http://www.wekanban.com/category/amazon-aws/

  5. Another one. Matt Wood. http://tothestars.io

  6. Found another awesome AWS blogger. https://alestic.com


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