
Friday, July 10, 2009

Google OS, VDI and Cloud

Could the Google OS become the platform for delivering Desktop As A Service (DaaS) or VDI from the Cloud?

Google have announced their Google Chrome OS which is to be the OS users have been waiting for.

Google Chrome OS is being created for people who spend most of their time on the web, and is being designed to power computers ranging from small netbooks to full-size desktop systems.

Providing desktop from the cloud is currently fraught with Microsoft licensing restrictions. Its worth looking into seeing how the Google OS could move beyond these problems as well as provide an OS that may scale and perform better.

Thin clients may not have the grunt over their required 5 year lifetime to run the Google OS directly, but executed out of the cloud via the emerging protocols such as PCoIP you can really see this fly.

Even if all it achieved was Microsoft relaxing their licensing, it would be a good thing for the cloud industry.

Certainly something to keep an eye on over the next 12 months.


1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:39 am

    I had my people obtain (by means I cannot admit to) from the Google Labs a model of the new Google OS and even better than that, the platform they plan on running it on! It's a radical new design slate computer! Sure enough it browses the internet, runs Google-Apps, has a task bar, prints and has a true chrome interface!
    I will withhold judgement right now but I am not shaking in my boots over competition from this thing! I could be wrong, what do you guys think?
