
Wednesday, April 22, 2009

VMware vSphere 4: Install, Configure, Manage

With the release of vSphere there are many supporting elements to come on board as well, such as education courses.

This week I have had the pleasure of sitting in on the first ever running of the re-written "VMware vSphere 4: Install, Configure, Manage". Its Revision A or really Beta as our goal in doing the course is to suggest changes and find errors, after all, the participants are experienced VMware admins and have participated in the vSphere Beta. Of course such a group of people leads to some robust architectural arguments and debates over new features. 

So if you ever do the new course and see a mistake, sorry I did not pick it up!
Here are the modules in this revision.
  • Course Introduction
  • Introduction to Virtualization
  • Configuring ESX/ESXi
  • VMware vCenter Server
  • Networking
  • Storage
  • Virtual Machines
  • Access Control
  • Resource Monitoring
  • Scalability
  • High Availability and Data Protection
  • Configuration Management
  • Installing VMware ESX and ESXi
Have not finished yet it yet, last day tomorrow. One thing worth noting is that Fault Tolerance is not covered but it is expected to be covered in a separate one day HA course.


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