
Monday, January 26, 2009

Preeti Somal on vCloud

Preeti Somal is the VP of R&D at VMware with responsibility for vCloud. Pretti presented a session at the Cloud Computing Conference and Expo 2008 in San Jose and the video has been released for public viewing.

If you have been tracking and reading everything on vCloud there is no ground breaking new information but if you want to come up to speed on where VMware is coming from on vCloud its a great primer. There is certainly more presented here than there was at VMworld. There is a new slide I had not seen before expanding out some of the vApp metadata plus there is mention of vCloud Services which are different to the vCloud API.

Unfortunately to see the video you need to complete a registration from and then get sent an email with a link to the video. You can complete the registration form here. The mail arrives in a minute or two.

Maybe we have found someone who can solidify our definition of what constitutes an "internal Cloud" from a VMware perspective? Preeti?


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